Grounds for conceptualization of the philosophy of branches of law

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The article reveals the grounds for conceptualization of the philosophy of branches of law. The problem of formation and development of the philosophy of branches of law is directly related to the potential of the philosophy of law and the development of legal Sciences. But as in modern social and humanitarian knowledge the discussions about the place of philosophy of law in the system of knowledge do not stop, the same questions arise in the case of philosophy of branches of law. The main question is the definition of the object, subject and methodological basis of the relevant knowledge. The characterization of the scientific status of the philosophy of branches of law is not fully clear. It is necessary to find out, in particular, what methods or methods of analysis of the norms of the branches of law are used by the philosophy of the branch of law, whether there are unique features that are inherent only to it, how interdisciplinary interaction occurs, etc. at the same time, this area of knowledge has some advantages: 1) it allows to identify value dominants in the regulation of social relations; 2) minimizes the consequences of errors in the interpretation of specific norms of the branch of law and improves law enforcement practice; 3) it is based on empirical experience of understanding of the norms of law.; 4) reveals the features of the legal life of man and society through the prism of the value-normative system of culture, etc. Thus, the article focuses on the methodological distinction between the philosophy of law and the philosophy of the branches of law, on the specifics of the philosophical understanding of the rules of law by industry. Indicates the complexities and contradictions that may arise when determining the theoretical and methodological frontiers of philosophy branches of law.

About the authors

Evgeniy A. Popov

Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy

Russian Federation, Barnaul


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