Independence of justice and state domestic policy

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In the article, based on the analysis of the main ideas of the liberal and conservative ideologies of building the relationship between society and the state, the problem of the independence of the justice system is considered. It is presumed that a judge cannot be completely independent from state institutions and, in particular, from the bodies (officials) that are key in his appointment. Under these conditions, it is necessary to state that the task of further scientific research on the issues under consideration is not so much the substantiation of the absolute lack of control of judges as the creation of a theoretical model to minimize the predicted impact on them, taking into account the objective institutional patterns that are not always taken into account today when discussing various reforms.

About the authors

Karin Beshe-Golovko

Russian-French Bar Association

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Public Law (France), President of the Russian-French Bar Association (Comitas Gentium France Russie)

France, French


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Copyright (c) 2019 Beshe-Golovko K.

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