Philosophy of Law and Philosophy of Crime and Punishment (Review of the Monograph of Bochkarev S. A. «The Philosophy of Criminal Law: Statement of a Question». M.: Norma, 2019)

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The article is the review of the monograph of Sergey Aleksandrovich Bochkarev, PhD in Law, head of the laboratory of political and legal researches of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, «The philosophy of criminal law: statement of a question». Analyzing the monograph, the reviewer draws attention to the author’s main approaches to understanding the philosophy of criminal law both in Russia and abroad, assesses the author’s analysis of the development of philosophical thought in the field of criminal law, and also considers the basic theoretical and philosophical aspects of the work. The reviewer comes to the conclusion that not only «statement of a question», but also the full development of the philosophy of criminal law in Russia seems to be extremely relevant. The review gave a positive assessment of the theoretical aspects of the work, also approved the author’s manner of linking the philosophies of the topic under consideration with current problems of modern society (this is the best way to look for constructive approaches to solving these problems). The reviewer believes that raising the question of the philosophy of criminal law is extremely relevant and highly values the work under review.

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