International Information Security in the Framework of International Law (Methodology, Theory)

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The aim of the study is to form basic approaches to formation and development of the law of international information security. The relevance of such an analysis is provided by the analysis of the legal nature of international information security. Examines the information component, which is an important component of international and national security. Explores the international information security management issues within the framework of the law of international law and of international information security in particular. Examines the problem of ensuring international information security on the improvement of the legal system of international information security. Analyses the legal nature of international information security in modern conditions. Explores approaches to the subject of education newly emerging branch of international law: the right of international information security. The work involves scientific and private scientific research methods, including analysis, synthesis, deductive, inductive, systematic methods, normative-logical method and other methods of cognition. In an article in a special way the role of information security at the international level and of ensuring international information security actors are the State, its bodies, legal entities and natural persons, who are required to carry out its activities in a specified direction. The novelty of the study is: firstly, the international information security is aimed at forming and ensuring international information security legal regime on the basis of the universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties; secondly, international legal principles and norms regulating the legal status of the information space, usage of public persons, belong to the branch of international law: the right of international information security; thirdly, under the international information security understand global information system security from threats of «triad»- terrorist, kiberprestupnye and politico-military (under military-political threats means information warfare and information confrontation). Fourthly, the international information security is governed by universally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and.

About the authors

N I Kostenko

Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S. M. Shtemenko of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



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