The Axiology of «Metaphysics of Economy» according to S. N. Bulgakov or in Search of a State-Legal Ideal

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At the present stage of globalization development, the priority in the world economic system remains for the industrialized countries over the so-called agricultural countries. This state of Affairs was justified in the theory of political economy, which became widespread during the XVIII-XX centuries on the basis of comparative historical and comparative legal analysis of the works of the famous philosopher of law, economist, a prominent representative of the idealistic direction of the Russian neoliberal political and legal doctrine of the turn of XIX-XX centuries. Sergey Bulgakov, the author substantiates the need to address his agrarian theory of the world economy. S. N. Bulgakov opposes his own philosophy of economic management, based on the idea of the finiteness of the industrial stage of human civilization and the return to the nature-saving stage. According to him, the industrial stage leads to a decrease in the fertility of the earth, which, in turn, «triggers» the depletion of natural resources of the world. The philosophy of management («sofiology economy») is, on the one hand, in its materiality, as a result of the development of the world, and on the other - as God’s grace, the remuneration of man for his earthly Affairs. In contrast to the Marxist theory of labor value, the philosopher of law proposed a physiocratic theory of rent, suggesting pricing policy on the part of the agricultural sector of the economy. Unlike the theory of political economy, where industrial countries occupy an excellent position in front of agricultural countries, agricultural theory S. N. Bulgakov recognizes the priority of those countries in which there is no effective regulation of the agricultural sector. The author concludes that it is necessary to revise the role of countries engaged in agricultural production, and especially Russia in the world economy, based on the philosophical and legal heritage of S. N. Bulgakov.

About the authors

A V Popova

Financial University under the Government of the RF



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