The Activities of the Prosecutor’s Office to Ensure Lawfulness in the Implementation of State Cultural Policy

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In article the main directions of the state cultural policy are considered. The characteristic is given to the main activities of bodies of prosecutor’s office for law enforcement in the course of realization of the state cultural policy. It is shown that activities of bodies of prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation for law enforcement in the sphere of culture are the most important instrument for ensuring of preservation of cultural property and cultural development of Russia now in interests of the real and future generations of the people of the Russian Federation that is caused by possibility of use by bodies of prosecutor’s office of powers inherent in them and legal means. The conclusion about possibility of inclusion of activities for law enforcement in realization of the state cultural policy in the Russian Federation to number of the priority directions in activity of prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation is drawn.

About the authors

V V Lavrov

St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the RF



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