Explanation of Law in the Interpretation of Postmodernism

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The article analyzes the reasons for neglecting the truth in the process of interpreting the rights and opportunities for a way out of the crisis of modern jurisprudence. The actualization of the spirit of law makes it possible to correctly prioritize conf licts of legal values. The hierarchy of values in law presupposes respect for truth. But postmodern, in fact, rejects the desire for truth, he is interested in the multiplicity of approaches as such. The authors of the article note the dangers associated with the dominance of postmodernism in the legal process. Globalism exaggerates polysemy in jurisprudence, that is, a variety of meanings and content. Such a polysemy is not justified by circumstances of an objective order. The globalizers of the world need ambiguity of law in order to maintain and aggravate the problem of interpreting (interpreting) the law, due to polysemy in any norms and principles, you can make a different meaning, for the time being without specifying it. And then act on the situation, guided by considerations of benefit. The well-known concept of hypocrisy is derived from polysemy. Jurisprudence serves the world, the main characteristics of which are decentralization, fragmentation, pluralism, eclecticism, multiplicity, uncertainty, discontinuity, volatility, etc. For the philosophy of postmodernism, the outlook does not come to the forefront, but the worldview, that is, rationality and sensuality, change places: a logically formed paradigm gives way to emotional reactions. Postmodernists, as a fighting unit of globalism, consider it impossible and useless to try to establish any hierarchical order or any system of priorities in life. If they allow the existence of a model of the world, then it is based only on entropy, on the equiprobability and equivalence of good and evil, of all constitutive elements.

About the authors

V V Sorokin

Altai State University

Email: sorokin.v.v@yandex.ru

M N Kutyavina

The Altai branch Altai branch of RANEPA

Email: kut263@mail.ru


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