Criminally-Legal and Criminological Measures Directed on the Prevention of Crimes in the Sphere of Cadastral Activity

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One of the positive tendencies of the modern criminal policy is the recognition of the priority of prevention of criminal encroachments, acknowledgement to that are the changes in the Criminal Code of the RF carried out in the last five years, one of which was the introduction by the legislator for criminal responsibility of cadastral engineers (article 170.2 of the Criminal Code). However, this crime has a high latency, the damage to individuals, organizations and the state is constantly growing, there is a lot of criminogenic determinants that contribute to crime in this area, therefore, it is necessary to develop a set of preventive measures which will allow to solve tasks of combating crime in this area at the least cost to society, in particular without turning on the full force of a complex mechanism of criminal justice without the use of this form of state coercion as a criminal punishment.

About the authors

I T Kazanchev

Mineralovodsk City Court of the Stavropol Territory

V E Dvortsov

Mineralovodsk City Court of the Stavropol Territory



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Copyright (c) 2018 Kazanchev I.T., Dvortsov V.E.

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