Legal Responsibility in Civil Society

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The article discusses the various types of content and legal liability in civil society. In the analysis of the concept of positive responsibility points to the fallacy of its identification with a political responsibility. The legal effect of a positive responsibility can be interpreted as a principle or interest, which are designed to provide not only the rights and freedoms, but also the interests of citizens. It draws attention to the feature of responsibility to the state business community, which is sometimes interpreted broadly as a social responsibility, and in practice is often associated with the violation of the rights of business structures.The article proposes to eliminate the legislative gap regarding the responsibility of the representative body of local self-government to the population by including the relevant provisions on the use of a population of mandatory and advisory forms of responsibility to this body. Describing the action of public and corporate inf luence on violators of the relevant social norms, the authors show their distinctive features, highlighting the proactive, preventive nature of these measures with respect to measures of legal liability, the applicable public authorities.In conclusion, we discuss the various purposes of legal liability in civil society, draws attention to the ambiguity of the positive potential of the empowerment of civil society at the expense transferred by it of certain state functions, as outside the legal regulation remain many questions about the conditions and the adoption of these structures sometimes their illegal decisions.

About the authors

A A Uvarov

Orenburg State Agrarian University


A A Uvarov

Russian University of Economics named G.V. Plekhanov


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Copyright (c) 2018 Uvarov A.A., Uvarov A.A.

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