About Some Ways of Optimization of Activity of Law Enforcement Bodies on Gathering and Generalization of the Statistical Information

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The article considers one of the possible ways to optimize the activity of law enforcement agencies by the example of the official interaction of the preliminary investigation bodies and the prosecutor’s office in matters of the existing document circulation and compliance with the requirements of registration and registration discipline. The proposed optimized model of document circulation, including the use of electronic document management, is a modern vector direction of development and reform of law enforcement agencies and provides for the automation of certain work processes both within the relevant state bodies and at the level of interagency cooperation. The need to introduce new technologies, rapid and secure exchange of service information at the level of interacting electronic databases, departmental computer programs and automated workplaces are the defining criteria for the further development and improvement of law enforcement bodies within the framework of the electronic digital transformation planned for the near future. The methods proposed in the article to switch to the electronic format for the creation of official documents, their timely exchange among various law enforcement agencies, among other things, are a means of increasing the transparency of statistical reporting and strengthening the registration and registration discipline. An undoubted positive aspect of the innovations under consideration is also assistance (assistance) for young professionals with little work experience, which can be provided by the software of the automated workplace in the preparation of official and procedural documents. The recommendations also help to reduce budget expenditures in the functioning of the preliminary investigation bodies and the prosecutor’s office in the performance of the tasks assigned to them by law, meet the requirements for safe and unhindered exchange of official information in the current level of information load and the potential danger of cyber attacks on servers and official electronic digital resources of state, including law enforcement agencies.

About the authors

M V Kolesov

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the RF

Email: kolesov.mv@yandex.ru


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