On the Issue of Economic and Legal Prerequisites for «Сolour Revolutions»

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The article is devoted to the analysis of economic and legal prerequisites for «colour revolutions». The author shows the connection of such prerequisites with the economic way of life and legal system. The «color revolutions» going strong worsening of the socio-economic contradictions - falling living standards of nationals, the impoverishment of the population, the increasing stratification of wealth, polarization «elit» and «bottom», etc. These processes are usually accompanied by the deepening crisis in the legal sphere, the sphere of legal thinking and legal consciousness of citizens - the behavior is heavily influenced by facts the gap between people’s views on social justice and the realities of life. These determinants, in turn, linked to the poor quality of basic political, legal and economic institutions. The author touches the issue of creating the mechanisms of struggling with «colours revolutions». It is noted that there is a necessity for socio-economic and legal transformation as a guarantee of absence of «colour revolutions» in the future. Besides, the author analyses other prerequisites - active action against the political regime on the part of organized groups which are trained and financed from abroad. The methods of nonviolent protest which often transform into the stage of armed seizure of power are given in the paper. The state must quickly respond and use its legal authority to struggle with these threats.

About the authors

V V Kolesnikov

Email: kvvksn@mail.ru


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