Legal Needs of Potential Beneficiaries of Free Legal Aid (Based on the Results of a Study of Disabled People and Low-Income Groups in Three Regions of the Russian Federation)

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Part of the results of quantitative research among vulnerable groups of citizens covered by the Federal Law on Free Civil Legal Aid in the Russian Federation is presented. The survey was conducted in the Tambov, Ulyanovsk and Volgograd regions within the framework of the Council of Europe project in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation «Project on Free Civil Legal Aid and Assistance for Vulnerable Groups in the Russian Federation» (2015-17). After presenting the context of the study, regional empirical material with generalizing characteristics on general issues is presented: the frequency of legal problems in target groups, the most common legal needs, how they operate, faced with legal problems, etc.

About the authors

I D Gorshkova

Lomonosov Moscow State University



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