The Problem of Illegal Migration from China to Russia and Solutions

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In the article raises the complex problem to describe the components of the phenomenon of Chinese illegal migration in theRussian Federation, to identify ways of solving problematic issues. The investigation of the interpretation and application of the term«illegal migration» in regulatory documents and scientific publications of the United States, European Union and Russia. Outlines the author’s understanding and classification of the term as applied to the Russian migration situation. Shows the scale and form of Chinese illegal migration in Russia, examines the factors that affect the actualization of this problem, which can be classified in two main groups: factors affecting the penetration of Chinese illegal immigrants in Russia, and the factors that attract the attention of Russian society to Chinese migration.Ambivalent results were made: on the one hand, Chinese migration, including its irregular component contributes to the solution of the problem of labor shortages in agriculture and construction, especially in the Far East and Eastern Siberia. On the other, Chinese illegal migrants to Russia, is а real problem, which to some extent has a negative impact on the economy and society of the Russian Federation. In addition, the article States that the Chinese migrants (including illegal) in some cases become victims themselves, and in Russian society continues to evolve xenophobia and negative attitudes towards migrants. The study is fixed and develops the idea that there are three major ways to combat illegal migration: 1) improving the legislative framework and the effectiveness of its enforcement, 2) international cooperation on a bilateral and multilateral basis and 3) the efficiency of law enforcement agencies in developing and carrying out special operatively-preventive events.

About the authors

Xun Yuan

Lomonosov Moscow State University



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