Implementation of International Legal Provisions on Preventing Corruption in the Russian Federation and Abroad

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This article presents issues of the fight against corruption and analysis of anti-corruption processes in Russia, Finland, Israel, Great Britain and the USA. Issues of international cooperation in the anti-corruption sphere have already been considered by the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the Organisation of American States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and the European Union. The fight against corruption in the Russian Federation is one of the key areas of consolidation of the statehood and it is being performed step by step through improvement of the legislation, activities of law enforcement, regulatory and public authorities of all levels as well as cultivation of civil intolerance to any manifestation of this social blemish. Russia is actively engaged in international dialogue on a wide range of issues for preventing corruption within the scope of coordination activities and international cooperation in different areas, including issues of anti-corruption in the sphere of sports, ecology and education. Cooperation with relevant international authorities and international organizations is one of the priorities of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. Given that the Russian anti-corruption system is based on the national legal culture in the context of historical, social and economic development and specific social needs and interests, the author emphasizes that anti-corruption cooperation shall be based on respect for national legal systems and compliance with the international law under coordination of the UN. Legislative proposals on the need for introducing grounds for application on recovery of property, owned by corrupt officials and registered under a third party’s name, to the public revenue and increasing the terms of imprisonment for bribery, which shall be prepared for further improvement of the anti-corruption law.

About the authors

V A Jilkin

Law office Kari Korhonen



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