Development of the Russian Constitution and Political Alternatives in Early 1992

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Working out of the Constitution of Russia in early 1990s was held at the time of dramatic events in our country. Among them the crash of USSR, GKChP action, the conflict between the president and the parliament, contradictions between the central and regional authorities and radical liberal economic reforms. The start of those reforms in early 1992 and attendant conflicts between different political actors made the great influence on the process of working out of the Basic Law of the country and even drove it.The author use institutional set-up in its historical version. The article presents an analysis or alternative constitutional projects written in early 1992 by those who reckoned themselves among supporters of democratic reforms. The author reviews and compares not only key issues of submitted texts, but tries to discern purposes and objectives of the political actors supported each of them. The analysis of researching projects let come to conclusion that even at that time Yeltsin team intended to adopt Basic Law in the version that could empower the president to act without references to the parliament.In general researching alternatives seems to be promising trend which is important for both: understanding of the political discussion content and process in the early 1990s and ways of evolution of the Russian Constitution and state in future.

About the authors

A D Jilkin

Lomonosov Moscow State University



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