THe Pecularities of Interaction of Experts with Investigative and Judicial Bodies (the Case of Forensic Experts and Assessors)

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The paper presents the results of a sociological study. On the basis of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological theory and its contem- porary interpretations the article considers the process of interaction between the juridical and scientific fields. The peculiarities of participation of experts in procedural activities are analyzed in the case of medical experts and assessors. The results of the study confirm the tendency towards juridical professionalization of these groups of legal experts. It has been revealed that asymmetry of power relations within the juridical field forces the experts to work out a set of tactics ensuring legal protection of their professional position. The paper singles out the repertoire of tactical moves which are used by the experts in their interaction with investigative and judicial bodies.

About the authors

E V Maslovskaya

Russian Academy of Sciences



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