Crimes and offences in the sphere of monetary circulation

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The paper examines theoretical issues of crimes and offenses in the sphere of monetary circulation. Investigates the concept of monetary circulation, the brief description of the main types of offenses and crimes in this sphere. The authors point out that the responsibility for violation of money circulation and payments provides for administrative, civil, financial and criminal law. Given the systematization of the basic rules of law relating to crimes and offences in this sphere. Defined the concept of categories of monetary circulation and its role in economic and legal science. Also, the category of monetary circulation is considered from positions of the Constitutional Court of the RF. The peculiarities cash and cashless monetary circulation and money turnover concept. The authors discuss the Foundation of financial responsibility and its contrast to administrative and criminal responsibility. The authors indicate that the main distinguishing feature for financial responsibility - law recovery character. The authors note that given the importance of the sphere of monetary circulation, its tremendous importance to the economy, to solve social problems, but also to ensure the fi- nancial stability of the state is necessary and appropriate to develop the Institute of state and legal coercion in the sphere of monetary circulation, to expand and systematize its contents.

About the authors

T N Minnivaleev

Business Community of Ufa State Oil Technical University, (branch in Oktyabrsky)


A N Minnivaleeva

Bashkir State University



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Copyright (c) 2016 Minnivaleev T.N., Minnivaleeva A.N.

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