Methods to Counter Information War

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The government should be prepared to prevent and counteract state of the art techniques of warfare, viz.: to work out measures to oppose enemy’s information weapons; to gain information superiority; to develop a society that is immune to information; to establish a con- cept of counteraction to information warfare. The authors have examined both foreign and Russian sources of law defining the requirements for the government activities to confront the information war. They also refer to the viewpoints of foreign and Russian researchers, politicians and public figures who have narrated their opinions on the concept and features of such political and legal constructs as information war and information weapons. The problem of information warfare must be identified as a profoundly serious and damaging threat. The paper expands on some provisions defining the characteristics of information warfare and methods to resist it as well as the proposals to amend the domestic legislation to create conditions for an accurate understanding of this political and legal phenomenon. In addition, it emphasizes the view that amending the Information Security Doctrine is not enough to counterbalance the threat of IW. In a separate document it is necessary to recount all notions, requirements and methods for the government actions to bring about a gradual change in the situation, inter alia, developing sectoral (information security) legislation, training specialists in informational and psychological counter aggression, shaping public opinion through the government-run media, pursuing advocacy policy, etc.

About the authors

D V Shibaev

North-Western Institute (branch) of Kutafin Law University (MSLA)



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