Legal mechanisms of economic and socio-cultural adaptation of migrants in foreign federative states: problems and solutions✳

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The article examines the main trends in the development of immigration legislation in the federal states, focusing on the cur- rent state of the legal regulation of the adaptation and integration of migrants and on the basis of the relevant Canadian experience offers prospective directions of its use in the Russian Federation. The issues of the division of powers between the various levels of public authority in the field of adaptation and integration of foreign nationals in a federal state. The issues of the division of powers between the various levels of public authority in the field of adaptation and integration of foreign nationals in a federal state. The problems of legal regulation of the processes of adaptation and integration of foreign nationals, the ratio of legal mechanisms used to attract quali- fied foreign specialists. The priority of the legislative regulation of immigration policy in the Russian Federation, the author sees the need for a clearer division of powers between the various levels of public authority in the field of adaptation and integration of migrants, taking into account the specifics of economic development, historical, demographic, and other local conditions of each of the Russian Federation for the most effective engagement and use in their territory external migration resources.

About the authors

A A Mishunina

Public Administration and Municipal Management Tyumen State University



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