On the national package of measures to counter the penetration into the territory of the Russian Federation, members of international terrorist organizations and the involvement of Russian citizens in terrorist activities abroad

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In the given article the problem of penetration into the territory of Russia the members of international terrorist organizations and the involvement of Russian citizens in terrorist activities abroad is studied. The authors analyse the complex organizational-legal measures and international experience neutralize security threats related to the penetration into the territory of country foreign terrorists and the involvement of citizens in terrorist activities abroad.

About the authors

A D Kerimov


Email: rjls@bk.ru

E V Halipova

Moscow State University

Email: rjls@bk.ru

V V Krasinski

Golitsyn Frontier Institute

Email: rjls@bk.ru


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Copyright (c) 2016 Kerimov A.D., Halipova E.V., Krasinski V.V.

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