THe principles of internet-law

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The article is focused on the analysis of the genesis and legal meaning of the Internet-law principles within the framework of the international and national public order; the author substantiates and lays out the classification of those principles; the adoption of the international law act to incorporate the fundamental Internet-law principles is envisaged. The author castigates some positions and views, circulating in the law science, which purport to attribute the Internet-law principles with the so-called «soft law» tag, being of opinion that such meta-juridical assumptions and easiness may impede doctrinal evaluation of Internet-law as evolving area of law and lead to the obscurantism in the field of the scientific legal knowledge about the subject matter and method of Internet-law as well as the substantive characteristics of the relations, governed by its norms. In order to bolster up his thesis the author refers to the practice of sanctioning the «fair customs» in the area of registration and use of the domain names and the rapid development in the last decade of the international legislation and case law including the numerous decisions of the European court for human rights re privacy and etc. which completely overturns the concept of the Internet-law as stuck in the rudimentary standing of the «soft law». Author also substantiates the argument that most of the Internet-law principles are formed in the course of the regulatory and law enforcement activity of the specialized organizations (such as ICANN, ITU and others) and also ensue from the coincidental practice of the states and quasi-state constituencies (such as European Union).

About the authors

A V Danilenkov

«Fides» Ltd



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