A retrospective view of the evolution of the institution of the set of crimes in the criminallegislation of Russia during the Soviet period

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The issues of the formation and development of the institution of the set of crimes in the Soviet period (1917-1991 gg.) from the position of the teachings of the crime and the doctrine of punishment are discussed in the article. On the basis of criminal legislation acted ina specified time period it is concluded that the scientific views, developed dy the criminal legaldoctrine of prerevolutionary period, were rejected by the Soviet science and legislators but had a positive impact on the further development and improvement of this institution. The notion of the ideal and the real set of crimes are disclosed in the article. The question of the degree of social danger of each type of multiple offenses is raised, which are still in the scientific literature there is no definite answer, making it the subject of debate. On the basis of the analysis of the judicial practice of the Soviet period, the reader’s attention is focused on some problematic aspects of imposing the punishment on set of crimes which remain relevant nowadays.

About the authors

V A Novikov

Russian University of Justice

Email: nva-2007@mail.ru


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