Legitimation of legal institutes as an actual political purpose

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In this article the author is considering the phenomenon of the juridical legitimation. During the reasoning the following is justified: (1) the legitimacy of the norms in modern democratic society is the criterion of the quality of the legal regulation; (3) legitimate norms, since they are a social fact, play a positive role in the processes of social and systematic integration. It is also set up that an optimal democratic mechanism of the legitimization of law is the subjects’ mutual acceptance of each other’s legal system. The acceptance has a multilayer dimension, but its legal part is just an intermediate phase, which terminates, according to A. Honnets’s concept, with the establishment of the integrative connection between an individual and the society. The conclusion is that the ideological support of legitimizing of law is an actual political task of the contemporary state.

About the authors

M A Belyaev

Voronezh State University

Email: belyaev@phipsy.vsu.ru


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