Russian legal education today: problems and prospects

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This article is devoted to study of regulatory legal aspects which Russian Federation implemented pursuant to the so-called Bologna Declaration - a joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education adopted in Bologna on June 19, 1999, which Russian Federation joined in the year 2003. In the present article institutional transformation taken by Russian Federation in this way, as well as various organizational and legal difficulties that Russian education system faced on the way of implementation and commitments taken as per international agreements in this area. On the basis of understanding of juridical education as a constitutional value the article analyses the present state of juridical education through the prism of constitutional security of the state, society and personality. This problem aggravated due to inclusion of juridical education into Bologna process and artificial introduction of twolevel system of juridical education (baccalaureate - master’s degree), change of philosophical-worldview fundamentals of the juridical education. It makes the task of elaboration of a national conception of training of juridical personnel topical.

About the authors

O M Mescheryakova

University of Russia The Department of international law



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