Evaluation of Consistency of Evidence in the Sentencing and its Review in Higher Courts

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This article touches upon the issues of assessing the reliability of evidence in the verdict in the case of contradictions in the facts examined in the court. The procedure for eliminating contradictions in evidence, as noted in the work, is directly related to the substantiation of the court’s conclusions in the verdict. The author addresses the problem of comparability of evidence in a criminal case and points out that in criminal proceedings there are situations of inconsistency of information in which individual contradictions in the evidence examined do not entail their mutual exclusion. It is noted that the work with contradictions in the evidence shows the true ability of the law enforcer to analytical thinking. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, a number of logical and legal methods for substantiating conclusions can be distinguished, which courts resort to when assessing the reliability of evidence and eliminating contradictions between them.

About the authors

Aleksey Y. Astafyev

Voronezh State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: woltgam@rambler.ru
SPIN-code: 4577-6659

candidate of legal sciences

Russian Federation, Voronezh


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