Materials of the early Neolithic of the Yarlukovskaya Protoka site (point 222) on the Upper Don

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This paper analyzes materials located in the floodplain of the Matyra River (left tributary of the Voronezh River) of the Yarlukovskaya Protoka (point 222) in the Gryazinsky District of the Lipetsk Region. It was investigated in 1963, 1964, 1967 and 1968 by Vsevolod Levenok. The materials of three early Neolithic cultures of VI Millennium BC were revealed here. The materials of the Yelshanskaya culture are represented by corollas and bottoms of 12 vessels. Almost all dishes, except one bottom and several walls, have no ornament, with the exception of one or two rows of conical pit. All ceramics are well smoothed. Ceramics were made from silty clay. The location of materials in the cultural layer confirms the earlier occurrence of the Yelshanskaya culture ceramics. The ceramics of the Karamyshevo culture is represented by fragments from three vessels. The dishes are predominantly decorated with small oval pricks composed in horizontal and vertical rows. Ceramics were made from silty clay. Ceramics of the Srednedonskaya culture are represented by corollas and rounded bottoms of 15 vessels. It is decorated with triangular prick or small comb prints. Ceramics were made from silty clay. At Yarlukovskaya Protoka site 304 stone artifacts were discovered, mainly of flint. This industry could be described as flake-blade technique. The monument is a mixed complex - stratigraphic and planigraphic readable observations of stone inventory location could not be done.

About the authors

Roman Viktorovich Smolyaninov

Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University


candidate of historical sciences, head of Archeology and Ethnology Office

Russian Federation, Lipetsk

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kulichkov

Intersettlement Coordination and Methodological Center of Gryazinsky District of Lipetsk Region


head of Local History Work Department

Russian Federation, Gryazi

Elizaveta Sergeevna Yurkina

Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University

Author for correspondence.

student of History, Law and Social Sciences Institute

Russian Federation, Lipetsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - parking lot Yarlukovskaya Protoka (point 222). 1 - location of the monument on the map of the Central Black Earth Region; 2–21 - stone inventory

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3. Figure 2 - Yarlukovskaya Protoka parking lot (point 222). 1–20 - ceramics of the Yelshan culture

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4. Figure 3 - Yarlukovskaya Protoka parking lot (point 222). 1–4 - ceramics of the Karamyshev culture; 5 - clay ball toy of the Early Neolithic; 6–8, 10 - bone products; 9, 11, 12 - stone arrowheads and darts. (7–12 - materials from the publication of V.P. Levenka [6, p. 117])

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5. Figure 4 - Yarlukovskaya Protoka parking lot (point 222). 1–13 - ceramics of the Middle Don culture

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6. Figure 5 - Yarlukovskaya Protoka parking lot (point 222). 1-11 - ceramics of the Middle Don culture

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7. Figure 6 - Parking Yarlukovskaya Protoka (point 222). 1–15 - ceramics of the Middle Don culture; 13 - ceramic abrasive

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8. Figure 7 - Yarlukovskaya Protoka parking lot (point 222). Micrographs of ceramic fractures. 1-3 - Yelshan culture; 4–6 - Middle Don culture: a - cavities from burnt-out vegetation; b - ferrous particles

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Copyright (c) 2019 Smolyaninov R.V., Kulichkov A.A., Yurkina E.S.

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