Sites with rhomb-pit ceramics in the Vologda Region

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The paper presents the results of systematization and mapping of known archaeological sites with rhomb-pit ceramics on the territory of the Eastern Onega region, in the basin of the Sheksna River. The research is based on the materials from the funds of Cherepovets and Vologda museums. Such survey has been done for the first time and meets the demand of the lacuna in historiography of the discussed subject. Rhomb-pit ceramics are found on a vast territory. The studied area is also included into the zone of rhomb-pit ceramics spread and comprises its eastern boundary. An important scientific contribution was made by A.A. Alekseyeva’s field research, A.Ya. Brusov, M.E. Foss, I.K. Cvetkova, R.V. Kozireva and S.V. Oshibkina’s publications. In total there are 45 ancient sites, which ceramic collections typologically correlate with similar ceramics of the transition stage from Neolithic to Eneolithic in Karelia. The rhombic stamp is typical for the late stage of the Kargopol culture development on this territory. The obtained results reveal that further archaeological research is needed to conduct an in-depth study of the Neolithic – Eneolithic era of the Vologda Region.

About the authors

Tatyana Anatolyevna Vasilyeva

Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Archaeology Sector

Russian Federation

Natalya Valentinovna Kosorukova

Cherepovets State University


candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of History and Philosophy Department

Russian Federation

Nadezhda Gennadyevna Nedomolkina

Vologda State Museum-Preserve of History, Architecture and Decorative Arts


candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of Funds Department

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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Copyright (c) 2021 Vasilyeva T.A., Kosorukova N.V., Nedomolkina N.G.

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