Phenetics of the rock pigeon (Columba livia) plumage coloration in Orenburg

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Birds differ from larger representatives, for example: mammals from the point of studying the class of birds. The following things are considered: data on hair dryers of coloring, patterns of feather cover, structure and coloring of the beak, flapping of the legs. Representatives of the class of birds, in particular synanthropic blue pigeons, have signs: features of trophic behavior and polymorphism. The paper describes distribution and main morphs of blue pigeons on the territory of Orenburg. The blue pigeon (Columba livia) is one of the most widespread ancient representatives, which is prone to migrations and has an extensive habitat around the world, and in urban conditions is one of the most frequently observed objects. Pigeons on the territory of Orenburg are represented by different morphs: white, black, black-stamped, brown and blue. On the territory of the Central District, during two periods, 1650 individuals of birds (1040 in spring, 610 in autumn) of different color morphs were identified, with a large predominance of black-stamped and brown. During the spring period the maximum number of birds and morphemes was high and during the autumn period the population decreased in number, as well as the ratio of the number of color morphemes. The observations were carried out in the Central District of Orenburg on three streets: March 8th, Tereshkova, Pobedy Avenue. 35 morphemes were identified in the Central District: 21 in spring and 14 in autumn. Spring morphemes in groupings, as well as their increase, were explained by combinative variability (that is due to increased reproduction in the spring period) and manifestation of recessive traits in the phenotypes of plumage coloring. Autumn morphemes were few in number; as a result, the loss is explained by a weak stability of certain color morphemes to environmental factors.

About the authors

Elena Nikolaevna Chirkova

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology and Soil Science Department

Russian Federation

Svetlana Mikhailovna Zavaleeva

Orenburg State University


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Biology and Soil Science Department

Russian Federation

Natalya Nikolaevna Sadykova

Buzuluk Institute of Humanities and Technology (branch) of Orenburg State University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Bioecology and Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation

Ravil Rifovich Mingazov

Orenburg State University


student of Chemistry and Biology Faculty

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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4. Fig. 3

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Copyright (c) 2021 Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M., Sadykova N.N., Mingazov R.R.

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