The study of anatomy and physiology by students majoring in non-biological pedagogical education in the context of distance learning

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The paper discusses the experience of organizing distance learning in 2019/2020–2020/2021 in the course «Anatomy and Physiology» for students majoring in non-biological pedagogical education. The features and difficulties of studying this course for these students are highlighted. The paper discusses necessary steps to improve the effectiveness of teaching the course. Among them there are minimization of natural visualization, the use of educational alternatives, the expansion of topics of physiological and functional tests, the rejection of the practice of memorizing terminology in Latin, teaching the technique of performing anatomical drawing, strengthening the practice-oriented component of the course content, systematic terminological work, inclusion of elements of age physiology in the content of the course. The paper describes the changes in the format of studying the course in 2020/2021 after distance learning experience in 2019/2020. The author presents and analyzes the results of a survey of students as a source of feedback on the effectiveness of the tools, methods and forms of teaching and control of knowledge in the course in the context of distance learning. The prospects for further research are highlighted, including the use of various educational platforms, development of a methodology for terminological work using distance technologies, strengthening of the bioethical component of the course content, creation of static and dynamic educational infographics and case pools on discipline topics.

About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Komarova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Institute of Living Systems

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad


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