Characteristics of some biochemical parameters in assimilating organs of herbaceous and woody plants in conditions of introduction

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The paper presents study results of 8 herbaceous and woody plants species assimilating organs’ biochemical parameters in conditions of introduction. It has been identified that in 4 herbaceous introduced species increased chlorophyll content and ratio of chlorophyll to flavonoids in August is associated with massive flowering and fruiting phases. On the contrary, in Crataegus ellwangeriana the maximum values of the above parameters are the reaction to unfavorable growing conditions (lack of nutrition and moisture) during the active growth period. The increased anthocyanins synthesis in Physocarpus opulifolius and Sorbaria sorbifolia by 1,2–1,4 times and increased nitrogen balance in Aronia melanocarpa up to 23 mg/cm² in September compared to summer period testifies to protective function formation in plant organism in pre-winter period. Slight fluctuations in flavonoids content throughout the entire vegetation season confirm that all the studied plants are in optimal nitrogen status. The following statistical methods were used to interpret the present study results: Shapiro-Wilk W-test (for small samples n < 30), parametric analysis method Student’s t-test, t-test for dependent samples.

About the authors

Irina Nikolaevna Turbina

Surgut State University


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Scientific and Educational Center of Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Russian Federation, Surgut

Gleb Mikhailovich Kukurichkin

Surgut State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Scientific and Educational Center of Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Russian Federation, Surgut


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Comparison of the mean values of dependent samples of the species Crataegus ellwangeriana by the indicator: A - Nbi, B - Chl

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3. Figure 2 - Comparison of the mean values of dependent samples of species: A - Physocarpus opulifolius, B - Sorbaria sorbifolia in terms of Anth, C - Aronia melanocarpa in terms of Nbi

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Copyright (c) 2021 Turbina I.N., Kukurichkin G.M.

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