The state of the adaptive potential of Quercus robur L. in field-protective forest belts based on the study of substances of secondary metabolism

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The paper studies various groups of substances of secondary metabolism of phenolic nature in the leaves of model trees of English oak growing in the field-protective forest belts of the agroforestry complex «Kamennaya Steppe». A physiological and biochemical analysis was carried out on samples of oak leaves from each tree in two stages – in the first decade of June and in early August. From each model tree 4–6 shoots of the lower tier of the southern exposure were selected. Significant biochemical diversity of the control and experimental groups of model oak trees was revealed. It is shown that the most significant fluctuations in the level of phenolic substances occur at the beginning of the growing season and then their content is stabilized. The informativeness of biochemical monitoring studies in the complex assessment of the current state of oak stands was confirmed. It is proved that the content of substances of secondary metabolism of phenolic nature and their combination can serve as a criterion of potential energy efficiency.

About the authors

Marina Yurievna Sautkina

All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

Author for correspondence.

candidate of agricultural sciences, researcher of Ecological Genetics Laboratory

Russian Federation, Voronezh


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Accumulation of phenolic compounds in the leaves of English oak (forest belt No. 133, Kamennaya Steppe, June 2019)

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3. Figure 2 - Accumulation of phenolic compounds in the leaves of English oak (forest belt No. 133, Kamennaya Steppe, August 2019)

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Copyright (c) 2021 Sautkina M.Y.

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