The vegetation cover of the «Aryskannyg» cluster of the «Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina» Reserve (Ubsunur hollow) (the southern slopes of the East Tannu-Ola Mountain Range, Republic of Tyva)

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This paper studies the vegetation cover organization of the «Aryskannyg» cluster of the state natural biosphere reserve «Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina». In the course of the work 2 ecological and phytocoenotic profiles were laid and 2 large-scale mapping was carried out. The steppe type of vegetation is mainly represented by different variants of real turf-and-slag steppes: shrubby, petrophytic and dry. The original steppe communities are the resurrection (Selaginella sanguinolenta) and eastern feather grass coenoses (Stipa orientalis). An independent high-altitude belt forms mountain expositional forest-steppes. The forest component consists of grass and rhytidium larch forests, and the daurian rhododendron occupies an active position in the undergrowth. The steppe component consists of thickened mixed-grass-stop-grass meadow, as well as mixed-grass-fine-grained-slag petrophytic steppes. The mountain-taiga belt is represented by communities of larch and cedar formations. The high-altitude belt is dominated by yernik (Betula rotundifolia) and dryad (Dryas oxyodontha) mountain-tundra communities. It is revealed that the territory has a complex vegetation cover, which was formed in the conditions of mountain relief and sharply continental climate, the diversity of plant communities (from dry-steppe to mountain-tundra) is due to the length of the cluster territory in three high-altitude zones and the complex influence of latitudinal and local abiotic factors. The leading factors in the distribution of vegetation are the exposure of the slopes and the absolute height of the terrain.

About the authors

Andrey Mikhailovich Samdan

Tuvan State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Kyzyl


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Map of the "Aryskannyg" cluster with key areas

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3. Figure 2 - Distribution of vegetation along the geobotanical profile in the lower part (steppe belt) of the Aryskannyg cluster. I. Forests: 1 - rhododendron green moss larch forest (Larix sibirica, Rhododendron dauricum, Rhytidium rugosum). Floodplain vegetation row with participation of forest communities: 2 - poplar-larch (Larix sibirica, Populus laurifolia, Caragana arborescens) → willow-poplar (Populus laurifolia, Salix bebbiana, Salix taraikensis, Duschekia fruticosa) → herb-shrubs Caragana , Rosa acicularis, Elymus sibiricus, Nepeta sibirica) in combination with cold wormwood-stop-sedge-coluriaceae (Coluria geoides, Carex pediformis, Artemisia frigida, Galium verum, Phlomoides tuberosa) on river-bed terraces. II. True steppe: 3 - cold wormwood-thin-legged-caragan steppe (Caragana pygmaea, Koeleria cristata, Artemisia frigida); 4 - caragana-stop-sedge (Carex pediformis, Сaragana pygmaea) steppe. Combinations with the participation of steppe communities: 5 - a complex of grass-caragan petrophytic steppes (Caragana pygmaea, Koeleria cristata, Agropyron cristatum, Stipa orientalis) and santolin-leaved wormwood-tavolga communities (Spiraea media, Artemisia santifolia); 6 - combinations of caragana-scrub (Selaginella sanguinolenta, Caragana pygmaea) and gypsophilic-scrub (Selaginella sanguinolenta, Gypsophila patrinii) petrophytic steppes with shrub communities along talus from Spiraea media, Caragana bungea, C. 7 - combinations of caragana-eastern grass grass (Stipa orientalis, Caragana pygmaea, C. bungei) petrophytic and thin-legged caragana (Caragana bungei, Koeleria cristata, Potentilla acaulis, Artemisia frigida) dry steppes

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4. Figure 3 - Schematic map of the vegetation of the key site in the forest-steppe belt of the "Aryskannyg" cluster. I. Forests: 1 - combinations of larch shrub-lingonberry (Larix sibirica, Lonicera altaica, Rhododendron dauricum, Rosa acicularis, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and cedar rhododendron green moss-lingonberry (Pinus vitus sibirica, Rhododendron idron dauricum, taiga forests; 2 - combinations of subtaiga-forest-steppe larch rhytidium-rhododendronaceae (Larix sibirica, Rhododendron dauricum, Thalictrum simplex, Atragene speciosa, Scorzonera radiata, Carex caryophyllea) and larch herb-shrubs (Lararagane sibiria artifice, Caster, melonaceus, Caster, artiforse artiforum, Casterisporis, Aconitum barbatum, Poa sibirica, Iris ruthenica) steppe forests; 3 - larch willow-tea-reed (Larix sibirica, Сalamagrostis pavlovii, Chamerion angustifolium, Vicia amoena, Stellaria bungeana, Linaria vulgaris) post-fire forests. II. Steppe meadows: 4 - herb-wormwood-cereal polydominant (Bromopsis sibirica, Poa pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca rubra, Artemisia latifolia, Aconitum barbatum, Valeriana rossica) steppe meadows. III. True steppe: 5 - forbs-foot-like sedge (Carex pediformis, Coluria geoides, Schizonepeta multifida, Galium verum, Pulsatilla patens, Avenula schelliana, Aconogonon alpinum) steppes; 6 - herb-cold wormwood-thin-legged (Koeleria cristata, Artemisia frigida, Orostachys spinosa, Thymus mongolicus, Chamaerhodos altaica, Androsace septentrionalis, Aizopsis hybrida, Stevenia incarnata) petrophytic steppes; 7 - caragana-bluegrass-foot-like sedge (Сarex pediformis, Poa botryoides, Caragana bungei, C. pygmaea, Artemisia santolinifolia, Astragalus multicaulis, Agropyron cristatum) petrophytic steppes; 8 - stemless petrophytic steppes (Carex pediformis, Potentilla acaulis, Artemisia frigida, Chamaerhodos altaica, Allium stellerianum, Pedicularis achilleifolia, Berberis sibirica, Aizopsis hybrida)

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5. Figure 4 - Distribution of vegetation along the geobotanical profile in the mountain-taiga belt of the Aryskannyg cluster. I. Forests: 1 - green moss-cowberry-honeysuckle cedar (Pinus sibirica, Lonicera altaica, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) forest; 2 - dwarf cedar (Pinus sibirica, Betula rotundifolia) sparse forest; 3 - green moss-yernik-blueberry larch (Larix sibirica, Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula rotundifolia) sparse forest; 4 - green moss-lingonberry-ledum rhododendron larch forest (Larix sibirica, Rhododendron dauricum, Ledum palustre, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) forest; 5 - rhododendron larch (Larix sibirica, Rhododendron dauricum) post-fire forest. Combinations with the participation of forest communities: 6 - a complex of juniper-fescue-lingonberry (Pinus sibirica, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Festuca rubra, Juniperus pseudosabina) and green moss-cowberry cedar (Pinus sibirica, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) forests; 7 - a complex of cereal-lingonberry-rhododendron larch (Larix sibirica, Rhododendron dauricum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Calamagrostis obtusata, Poa sibirica, Festuca rubra) and bluegrass-reed cedar (Pinus sibirica. II. Thickets of shrubs of the floodplain ecological series: 8 - daziphora-willow (Salix coesia, Dasiphora fruticosa, Betula rotundifolia, Equisetum scirpoides) of the community. III. True steppe: 9 - herb-santolyn-wormwood-shrub (Caragana bungei, Spiraea media, Artemisia santolinifolia, Avenula hookeri, Potentilla evestita, Carex pediformis) steppe

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6. Figure 5 - Schematic map of the vegetation of the key site in the high-mountain tundra belt of the "Aryskannyg" cluster. I. Summer-green coniferous light forests: 1 - moss-dwarf birch larch (Larix sibirica, Betula rotundifolia) light forest; 2 - shikshiy-lichen-dwarf birch (Pinus sibirica, Betula rotundifolia, Empetrum nigrum, Festuca altaica) sparse cedar woodland. Combinations with the participation of forest communities: 3 - combinations of dryad-lichen-shikshiy (Empetrum nigrum, Dryas oxyodonta, Lichenosa) tundra and lichen-dwarf birch larch woodlands. II. Summer-green leveled shrub tundra: 4 - moss-dwarf birch (Betula rotundifolia) tundra; 5 - lichen-dwarf birch (Betula rotundifolia) tundra. III. Winter-green trellis-shrub tundra: 6 - dryad-stony (Dryas oxyodonta, Aster alpinus, Silene chamarensis, Saxifraga sibirica, Poa glauca) tundra; 7 - lichen-sedge-dryad (Dryas oxyodonta, Carex rupestris, Hierochloё alpina, Luzula sp., Bistorta vivipara) tundra

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7. Figure 6 - Mesocombination on the slopes of the ridge of different exposures: A - plan; B - profile; МН - profile line, arrows indicate the direction of the surface slope. Communities: 1 - combinations of lichen and rubble mountain tundra; 2 - combinations of lichen-dryad and sedge-dryad mountain tundras; 3 - combinations of lichen-dryads and shikshiy-dwarf mountain tundras; 4 - combinations of dwarf birch tundra with larch-cedar woodlands from Larix sibirica and Pinus sibirica

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