The study of the summer avifauna of Mary, Republic of Turkmenistan

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The Republic of Turkmenistan is located in the western part of Central Asia and is characterized by a variety of natural conditions. The property of any republic is the preservation of biological diversity of flora and fauna as the main condition for the sustainability of natural ecosystems. However, in recent years, anthropogenic human activity has led to a decrease in this indicator due to the elimination of species. The fauna of Turkmenistan is quite diverse and birds are of particular importance, according to many scientists. The paper analyzes the species diversity of birds in the urbanized landscapes of the Republic of Turkmenistan using the example of the city of Mary, located in the southeastern part of the Turan lowland, in the delta of the Murgab River. During the summer period of 2020, 30 bird species were registered, belonging to 13 orders in 19 families. For the study, a route method was chosen, during which four areas were identified, in which the studies were carried out in sufficient detail: the Bagtyyaarlyk Seilgakhi park, the Murgab river embankment, residential areas of the city (residential area) and the historical settlement «Ancient Merv». The ecological and biological characteristics of birds in the study area were studied: according to the feeding habits, according to the degree of attachment to the territory.

About the authors

Irina Aleksandrovna Leontyeva

Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of Biology and Chemistry Department

Russian Federation, Elabuga


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The percentage of the occurrence of birds in the surveyed areas of Mary

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3. Figure 2 - Trophic groups of birds of the city of Mary and its environs

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4. Figure 3 - Groups of birds by the nature of their stay on the territory of Mary and its environs

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Copyright (c) 2021 Leontyeva I.A.

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