Environmental and radiation assessment of construction materials in Tyumen

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The current pace of construction leads to the use of large volumes of construction raw materials, which must meet the regulatory indicators, including radiation. High levels of natural radionuclide activity, both in construction and finishing materials, affect changes in the gamma radiation indicators in the premises, which can negatively affect the health of people living in such facilities. Ecological and radiation assessment of building materials for the content of natural radionuclides showed an increased natural activity of potassium-40. The maximum activity values were observed in samples of bricks and expanded clay, where they were 799,0 and 622,0 Bq/kg, respectively. The lowest specific activity of natural potassium was observed in the crushed stone sample (21,3 Bq/kg). The specific activity of thorium-232 in building materials ranged from 2,1 to 53,3 Bq/kg. The activity of radium-226 in all the studied samples ranged from 4,4 Bq/kg (crushed stone) to 55,6 Bq/kg (cement). The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in the studied building materials does not exceed the standard values (370 Bq/kg), therefore, they can be used in all types of construction and reconstruction.

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Zakharova

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: zaharovaev@tyuiu.ru

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen

Elena Viktorovna Gaevaya

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: gaevajaev@tyuiu.ru

candidate of biological sciences, professor of Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen

Leonid Nikolaevich Skipin

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: skipinln@tyuiu.ru

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen

Svetlana Sergeevna Tarasova

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: tarasovass@tyuiu.ru

assistant of Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen

Vasilyа Zinnurovna Burlaenko

Tyumen Industrial University

Author for correspondence.
Email: burlaenkovz@tyuiu.ru

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Technosphere Safety Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Specific activity of natural radionuclides in building materials

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3. Figure 2 - Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in building materials

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Copyright (c) 2021 Zakharova E.V., Gaevaya E.V., Skipin L.N., Tarasova S.S., Burlaenko V.Z.

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