Construction features of the dwelling at the early Neolithic site Baibek in the North Caspian Sea Region

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This work studies construction features of the dwelling discovered at the Neolithic site Baibek. Detailed recorded data made it possible to determine its dimensions, shape and structural components. The layer by layer analysis gave grounds to reconstruct its origin and development. Pottery and stone tools, as well as other materials of the cultural layer found in the dwelling pit are similar to the materials of the Kairshak type of the Neolithic in the Northern Caspian Sea Region. A series of radiocarbon dates establishes the chronological interval of the dwelling functioning: the first quarter of the VI millennium BC. The results of spores and pollen analysis indicate the paleogeographic background at that time. The definition of faunal remains indicates the leading hunting species: onager, red deer, corsac, saiga; fish (sterlet, perch, pike, common carp, pike perch) were caught both in open and in closed reservoirs. Judging by the analysis of the crust on the inner side of the vessels, signs of animal and plant food preparation have been established. The studied dwelling complements the characteristics of the Neolithic culture of the Kairshak type bearers and possibly marks the beginning of the transition of the population to a certain sedentary life. In addition, the information obtained gives reasons to speak about the appearance of dwellings in the region of interest starting from the early Neolithic.

About the authors

Tatiana Yuryevna Grechkina

State Scientific and Production Institution «Nasledie»

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, head of Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Astrakhan

Aleksander Alekseevich Vybornov

State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Yurii Sergeevich Lebedev

State Scientific and Production Institution «Nasledie»


chief researcher of Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Astrakhan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Plan of the dwelling of the Baibek parking lot

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3. Figure 2 - Photo of the dwelling of the Baibek parking lot

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4. Figure 3 - Profile of the dwelling of the Baibek parking lot

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5. Figure 4 - Photo of the central edge of the dwelling

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6. Figure 5 - Photo of the pit at the bottom of the dwelling

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7. Figure 6 - Stone inventory from the filling of the dwelling

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8. Figure 7 - Ceramics from the filling of the dwelling

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9. Figure 8 - Ceramics from the bottom layer of the filling of the dwelling

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10. Figure 9 - Ceramics from the bottom layer of the filling of the dwelling

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11. Figure 10 - Ceramics from the lower and middle layers of the filling of the dwelling

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12. Figure 11 - Ceramics from the top layer of the filling of the dwelling

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13. Figure 12 - Ceramics from the filling of the dwelling from level 14

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14. Figure 13 - Pottery from pit 1 from the bottom of the dwelling

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Copyright (c) 2021 Grechkina T.Y., Vybornov A.A., Lebedev Y.S.

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