Interrelation of hydrochemical indicators and the microbial community structure in the rivers within oil fields of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra

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Assessing the quality of environmental objects, identifying the causes of pollution and predicting the future state is an urgent and important task, since it is the quality of natural objects that largely determines the state of human health. This paper presents results of the statistical analysis of the data of water quality monitoring in the rivers within oil fields of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra during 2018–2019. The correlation analysis (according to Pearson) was carried out to identify the relationships between the samples of hydrochemical parameters and the number of microorganisms of various ecological-trophic groups. As a result of the correlation analysis of the relationship between the indicators of the chemical composition of water, a direct and inverse correlation was obtained for the following indicators: total iron, anionic surfactants, nickel, phenols, copper, sulfates, ammonium ions, lead, phosphates, manganese. The maximum value of the correlation coefficient is observed for Ni and Cr concentrations. For total iron and manganese, a significant positive correlation is also revealed. The distribution of chemical compounds in the rivers doesn’t have a pronounced correlation dependence, which is probably due to the heterogeneity of the composition of the waters, as well as to the increasing impact on the environment of the oil and gas complex.

About the authors

Marina Magomedovna Arslanova

Surgut State University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Ecology and Biophysics Department

Russian Federation, Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra

Elena Aleksandrovna Shornikova

Surgut State University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Ecology and Biophysics Department

Russian Federation, Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Layout of the studied watercourses of the Surgut and Oktyabrsky districts: Р1 - r. Vynga; P2 - p. Minchimkin; Р3 - right tributary of the river. Minchimkin; P4 - p. Fast Cullegan; P5 - p. Kavyk; P6 - p. Tapyaun; P7 - p. Yakyaun; P8 - p. Komarja; P9 - p. Virsiyavin; P10 - p. Pim; P11 - p. Ob; P12 - p. Bolshaya Leushinskaya; P13 - p. Malaya Leushinskaya; P14 - p. Bolshaya Karymkarskaya; P15 - p. Malaya Karymkarskaya; P16 - p. Kurnisoim; P17 - p. Big Okhtach; P18 - p. Hompa; P19 - p. Maly Atym; P20 - p. Owynegan

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3. Figure 2 - Direct correlation between the concentrations of total iron and manganeseFigure 2 - Direct correlation between the concentrations of total iron and manganese

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Copyright (c) 2021 Arslanova M.M., Shornikova E.A.

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