Contemporary art in the development of a gifted child’s art-aesthetic thesaurus

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The authors substantiate the expediency of referring to the forms and artistic means of contemporary art as integrating mechanisms of the semantic space common to adult authors and children who are passionate about creativity. According to the most important understanding of childhood in the thesaurus approach – according to Val.A. Lukov, the preserved past – in its correlation with the peculiarities of the children’s subculture, the idea of matching the spontaneous creative actions of the child and the well-thought-out creative method of modern authors who seek to show the creative process itself is justified. The contradiction between the fundamental difference of the adults and children’ thinking models disappears when the child in the game acts «on behalf of the Contemporary Author», showing his talent as actions to structure the fruitful disorder of an unfamiliar educational environment. The thesaurus helps to discover new meanings – an accumulated body of knowledge about the world and how it is reflected in art products, sufficient for orientation in this environment. Taking into account the complex effects of the digital age on the child from the real and virtual subspaces, the presence in his thesaurus of contemporary art concepts, embodied in words, visual and musical images, it will contribute to a bright, obvious manifestation of giftedness at the age of 6–7 years.

About the authors

Larisa Yurievna Kalinina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Preschool Education Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Dmitry Viktorovich Ivanov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Nikitin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


manager of Research Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2021 Kalinina L.Y., Ivanov D.V., Nikitin N.A.

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