The integrated assessment of socio-ecological tension in urbanized territories

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The paper examines environmental problems of a city with a developed mining industry. Their influence on social stability, public health and demography, labor activity, migration, etc. was revealed. The methodology for assessing social and ecological tension for the city of Sibay in the Republic of Bashkortostan was tested, based on the approaches developed by I.A. Sosunova for the regions of Russia. The main materials for calculating the socio-ecological tension of the city were data from the analysis of information on the socio-economic and ecological state of the territory, conducting a sociological survey of the population, as well as assessing the ecological and geochemical state of the environment by a set of ecological indicators. All indicators were assessed using five-point scales. The final indicator was the index of social and ecological tension, which was determined by dividing the sum of points for the indicators under consideration by their number. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, it was revealed that the socio-ecological tension of the city of Sibay includes: Gorny (3,7) – Yuzhny (3,2) – Center (2,7) – Gold (2,6) – Eastern (2,4) – Fisherman’s House (2,3) – Arkaim (1,6). The use of the category of socio-ecological tension in the proposed interpretation makes it possible to identify sociological problems of behavior and society. The results of the study are recommended to be used for a comprehensive analysis of indicators for monitoring urbanized territories of a mining region, which determine its environmental safety and sustainable development, ranking the territory as well as a set of economically justified measures to include them in the programs of strategic development of the region.

About the authors

Rezeda Firgatovna Khasanova

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay

Yalil Tukhvatovich Suyundukov

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan


doctor of biological sciences, professor, chief researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay

Irina Nikolaevna Semenova

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan


doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay

Yuliya Samigullovna Rafikova

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay

Munira Basimovna Suyundukova

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan


doctor of biological sciences, professor, senior researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay

Gulnaz Razhapovna Ilbulova

Sibay Branch of Institute of Strategic Studies of Republic of Bashkortostan


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, senior researcher of Ecology and Environmental Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Sibay


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Copyright (c) 2021 Khasanova R.F., Suyundukov Y.T., Semenova I.N., Rafikova Y.S., Suyundukova M.B., Ilbulova G.R.

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