Variability of morphometric characters and sexual dimorphism of Galeodes araneoides (Pallas, 1772) (Arachnida, Solifugae, Galeodidae) in Eastern Transcaucasia

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Using 20 morphometric characteristics and 6 indices, the variability and sexual dimorphism of the camel-spider Galeodes araneoides (Pallas, 1772) from 10 regions of Azerbaijan were studied. The species and sex of the individuals were determined taking into account the key diagnostic features and comparison with the identified materials from the collection fund of the Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The variability of the general dimensions of the body and its individual parts (a total of 14 signs) was revealed. It was found that sexual dimorphism, manifested by 9 traits and 3 indices, is expressed to varying degrees in individuals from different regions: less pronounced – in mid-mountainous and low-mountainous regions; more pronounced – in foothill, plain and low-lying regions. The analysis of interpopulation variability of morphometric characters did not reveal clear geographical patterns: among representatives of both sexes, significant differences in the complex of characters were observed between individuals of samples located in relative proximity to each other, while individuals from distant samples were morphologically more similar. The manifestation of the variability of morphometric characters and sexual dimorphism is presumably less connected with the geographical features of the regions, and more connected with the existing ecological conditions. The variability of morphometric characters among individuals of the studied populations indicates a high ecological plasticity and a significant adaptive potential of the species.

About the authors

Nizami Enver ogly Novruzov

Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, leading researcher of Paleozoology Laboratory

Azerbaijan, Baku


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Schematic map with the designation of places of collection of material according to G. Araneoides

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3. Figure 2 - Abbreviated designations of the measured parts of the body of the solpuga (the explanation of designations is given in the text)

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4. Figure 3 - The number of variable features in percent depending on the height

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5. Figure 4 - Comparison of features in samples by standard deviation (σ) (A - features: L.tot., Lc,, L.abd .; B - features:,,,

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6. Figure 5 - Comparison of features in samples by the coefficient of variation (CV) (A - features: L.tot., Lc,, L.abd .; B - features:,,,

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7. Figure 6 - Values of the divergence coefficient (CD) of morphological characters in males and females of G. araneoides (the abscissa axis is conventionally taken as the level of the male character)

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8. Figure 7 - Manifestation of sexual dimorphism of G. araneoides in samples according to the indices of the ratios of signs (on the abscissa - samples; on the ordinate - the value of the index)

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9. Figure 8 - Generalized diagram of the manifestation of sexual dimorphism of G. araneoides in samples by indices

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