The limiting factors for the snow leopard (Panthera uncia Shreber, 1776) on the territory of Tuva

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The paper presents the influence of limiting factors for the population of the snow leopard on the territory of Tuva (Republic of Tuva, Russia). It describes biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors to irbis. The author examines the role and degree of each factor of this influence. The paper represents literature sources and the author’s field research work data for the period 2001–2019. The study was carried out on the territory of the Chikhacheva, Tsagan-Shibetu, Shapshalskiy Ranges and Sangilen Highlands, that are permanent habitats for the snow leopard. On the studied territories the anthropogenic influence such as hunting, extension of highways, cattle farms and the number of livestock increases in the high mountain ecosystems. All this leads to an increase of disturbance factor, a displacement from traditional habitats of wild animals, especially the irbis food items, so it is forcing the snow leopard to rely more on livestock for food. As a result the cattle breeders sometimes kill snow leopards in retaliation for attacking their livestock. The paper demonstrates data of all known incidents of the snow leopard death and finds of cadavers within the studied region which shows that 74% of all incidents are the fault of people for destroying this rare animal. So it proves that the anthropogenic factor plays a leading role in the death of snow leopard among others.

Keywords: irbis; snow leopard; ecology; Tuva; Republic of Tuva; limiting factors; biotic factors; abiotic factors; anthropogenic factors; disturbance factor; causes of death of irbis; diseases of irbis; competitors of irbis; snow leopard attacks on livestock.

About the authors

Aleksandr Nikolaevich Kuksin

State Nature Biosphere Reserve «Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina»; Tuvan State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, deputy director for science

Russian Federation, Kyzyl


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Quantitative data on known snow leopard deaths in different mountain systems

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3. Figure 2 - The author with the inspectors of the Tyva nature park at the corpse of a snow leopard on the river. Ak-Oyuk (Bai-Taiginsky district), August 2017

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4. Figure 3 - A female snow leopard that died in a snare. Kozer River, Bai-Taiginsky District (photo by A. Irgit)

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kuksin A.N.

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