Variability of leaf blade characters of some microspecies from Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in nature coenopopulations and culture on the territory of Mari El Republic

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The genus Alchemilla L. is one of the largest in angiosperm. This paper deals with variability of leaf blade characters of some microspecies from Alchemilla L. genus. The studies were conducted in 3 natural regions on the territory of Mari El Republic and in culture. A consensus configuration of leaf blade for A. acutiloba Opiz, A. gracilis Opiz, A. monticola Opiz, A. sarmatica Juz., A. schistophylla Juz., A. substrigosa Juz. was obtained by a geometric morphometrics method. The variability of the leaf blade shape for A. acutiloba, A. gracilis, A. sarmatica in natural cenopopulation was described. The study has shown that the size and shape of leaf blade for A. gracilis in ecologically contrasting conditions differ. The size of leaf blade for A. substrigosa differs in conditions with some differences in the ecological characteristics of soils, the shape – does not differ. According to a discriminant analysis based on a complex of morphometric characters of leaf blades for microspecies A. litwinowii, A. monticola, A. substrigosa in meadow plant community are classified with an accuracy of about 80%. A similar classification result of leaf blades for A. acutiloba, A. gracilis, A. hirsuticaulis in culture was revealed. Leaf blades for different microspecies form distinct, but overlapping «clouds» in the plane of discriminant functions.

About the authors

Olga Valerevna Zhukova

Mari State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Yoshkar-Ola


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Reference configuration of a leaf blade

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3. Figure 2 - Variation of the leaf blade of A. acutiloba: 1 - long narrow and acute-angled lobes, the marginal lobes diverge at an acute angle; 2 - triangular, slightly rounded blades, marginal blades diverge almost at right angles; 3 - very sharp blades, edge blades diverge at an obtuse angle; 4 - triangular wide blades, edge blades diverge almost at right angles; 5 - wide-triangular short blades, edge blades diverge at an acute angle; 6 - long wide, slightly rounded blades on the left side and short narrow, slightly rounded blades on the right side, the marginal blades are slightly touching

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4. Figure 3 - Variability of the leaf blade of A. gracilis: 1 - semicircular lobes; 2 - semi-ovate blades; 3 - narrow-triangular blades; 4 - wide-triangular blades; 5 - kidney-shaped leaf blade with widely diverging marginal lobes; 6 - a rounded leaf blade, with almost converging marginal lobes

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5. Figure 4 - Variation of the leaf blade of A. sarmatica: 1 - semicircular lobes, the marginal lobes diverge almost at right angles; 2 - elongated semi-ovate-triangular rounded blades, marginal blades diverge almost at right angles; 3 - very short semicircular blades, edge blades diverge at an acute angle; 4 - elongated semicircular blades, edge blades touch; 5 - very short semicircular lobes, edge lobes almost touching; 6 - very short rounded-triangular lobes, the marginal lobes diverge almost at right angles; 7 - wide-triangular blades, edge blades diverge almost at an acute angle

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6. Figure 5 - Reference configuration of the leaf blade of A. gracilis from different habitats: 1 - insufficient moisture; 2 - sufficient moisture

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7. Figure 6 - Leaf blades of microspecies of the cuff of Sernur region in the plane of discriminant functions

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8. Figure 7 - Leaf blades of microspecies of the cuff of the MarSU agrobiological station in the plane of discriminant functions

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Copyright (c) 2021 Zhukova O.V.

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