«Ultimum ratio of the Great century»: the development of the English Royal regular army in the XVII century

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The paper analyses the processes of a modern state development on the example of a regular army development as a basis of the national military system. The author considers the relationship between the development of foreign and domestic policy issues under the Late Tudors. The author analyzes the role of force-based decision-making of the most important issues in decision-making by the Crown under the First Stuarts. The author also analyzes the heavy legacy of the Protectorate regime in terms of the population’s acceptance of the idea of a regular army existence. The difficulties encountered by the Stuart dynasty in solving this problem are shown. The problems of financing the Royal army were the main reasons why the active part of the population didn’t support the existence of a regular army. The process of creating the Royal regular army is shown on the background of broad European practices of the Great century. The main vectors of British foreign policy development are shown – from the continental confrontation with the United Provinces and France to the colonial coexistence with Spain and France. In addition, a conclusion is drawn about the continuity of military construction by the ruling regimes in England of the XVII century. Practices undertaken by the Tudors, James I, Charles I, Lord Protector Cromwell and the age of Restoration sovereigns are shown.

About the authors

Dmitry O. Gordienko

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: stuartssergant@yandex.ru

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of General History, International Relations and Documentation Science Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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