Reasons of time shifting of animals’ seasonal events in the Central Forest Biosphere Reserve

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The paper considers dynamics of phenological phenomena of animals in the south taiga Central Forest biosphere reserve. As initial data we used materials of meteorological and phenological observations made under the program of maintaining the nature chronicle on the basis of the meteorological post «Forest reserve» in the Roshydromet network. Of the 46 meteorological series only ten (22%) show significant long-term changes over the period 1990–2019: an increase in the average annual air temperature, temperature in May, August, September and November; a decrease of total precipitation in September and an increase in December; a positive displacement of occurrence dates of maximum temperature less than 0°C and the final formation of ice on the pond, a negative shift of the phenological summer beginning dates. The authors prove that there has been a shift of time when winter comes or an increase in the duration of the frost-free period on the reserve territory over a 30-year period. For the spring phenodates of the considered animal species, there is a negative long-term linear trend in the variability of phenological phenomena towards an earlier start of events. Such signs as the first meeting of the small tortoiseshell, the first bites of the biting mosquito, the first appearance of the grass frog and the viviparous lizard are recommended to be used as indicators of the climate change. The shift of insect and amphibian phenodates is associated with a shortening of the cold season in the reserve climate system. A significant change of lizards phenological phenomenon time is caused by abiotic as well as by biotic (forage) factors.

About the authors

Anastasiya A. Zorina

Petrozavodsk State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Zoology and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk

Elena A. Shuyskaya

Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve


candidate of biological sciences, leading researcher

Russian Federation, Zapovedny, Nelidovsky District, Tver Region


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Linear trend of variability of the phenodate of the first bites of the biting mosquitoes for the period 1990–2019. in the Reserve (y * - calendar dates are converted into a continuous series)

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3. Figure 2 - Linear trend of variability of the phenodate of the first appearance of the viviparous lizard for the period 1990–2019. in the Reserve (y * - calendar dates are converted into a continuous series)

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4. Figure 3 - Distribution of normalized values ​​of factor loads (a₁) of the first main component (PC1) of the component analysis of the variability of the phenodate biting mosquito, climatic characteristics and meteorological phenomena of the Reserve: mean annual air temperature (t_av), air temperature in May (t_may), August (t_aug) , September (t_sep), November (t_nov), total precipitation in September (os_sep), December (os_dec), meteorological phenomena: maximum temperature below 0 ° С (t_max <0), final freeze-up on the reservoir (f_ice), beginning of phenological summer ( b_summer); phenomenon - the first bites of the biting mosquito (Aedes)

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5. Figure 4 - Distribution of normalized values of factor loads (a₁) of the first (PC1) main component of the component analysis of variability of the herbal frog phenodate (Rt) and viviparous lizard (Lv), climatic characteristics and meteorological phenomena of the Reserve: decoding of abbreviations in Fig. 4, Agl - first encounter of urticaria butterfly

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6. Figure 5 - Distribution of normalized values of factor loads (a₂) of the second (PC2) main component of the component analysis of variability of the herb frog and viviparous lizard phenodate, climatic characteristics and meteorological phenomena of the Reserve: explanation of abbreviations in Fig. 4 and 5

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