Bone items of the Neolithic site Baibek

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The paper presents tools made from bones, antler and teeth from the Neolithic site Baibek, located in the semi-desert zone of the Northern Caspian Sea. The time of existence of the site dated back to the beginning of the first quarter of the VI mill. BC. Bone artifacts are of particular interest due to their discovery in a layer of sandy consistency. Bone artifacts were founded in the cultural layer of the site, in the pits, hearths and especially in the filling of the dwellings area. Special attention should be paid to the fact that different typological and functional tools can be considered as a single complex. Based on morphological, technological and functional features, the collection of artifacts was divided into 7 typological groups. The distribution of items by site area was indicated. Most of the preserved bone tools were discovered in the fill of the lower level of the dwelling, which is probably connected with better preservation of bone in the deep sediments than in the cultural layer, the upper part of which has been repeatedly previewing. Traceological analysis of the tool’s surface has determined the scope of their use – this is treatment of skins and processing abrasives. Single examples represent fishing equipment, tools for processing stone items and antler haft. There are also decorative items made of bone and teeth – pendants, piercing, and bones with ornaments.

About the authors

Tatiana Yu. Grechkina

State Scientific and Production Institution «Nasledie»


candidate of historical sciences, head of Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Astrakhan

Anna A. Malyutina

Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Experimental-Traceology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Aleksandr A. Vybornov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Yurii S. Lebedev

State Scientific and Production Institution «Nasledie»


chief researcher of Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, Astrakhan


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Copyright (c) 2020 Grechkina T.Y., Malyutina A.A., Vybornov A.A., Lebedev Y.S.

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