An overview of waste collection systems in anthropogenic ecosystems

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The paper discusses recent research and publications in Russian and foreign publications that study the application of solid municipal waste management systems in anthropogenic ecosystems. The analysis of the use of Russian and foreign digital technologies and Internet resources that manage municipal waste is carried out. The analysis of general aspects of solid waste management theory has shown that there is a problem of solid urban waste management (SWM) in various countries. Four main areas of waste management have been identified: collection and logistics, the use of machines and plants for waste treatment, business models and the use of data collection, storage, and processing tools. Logistics management of solid waste is a very complex and important job for any municipal corporation around the world. The use of various technologies and plants for waste treatment and sorting requires investment in each specific plant, but in the end it will help to optimize the management of solid waste. Innovative business models for solving environmental problems of waste accumulation require government incentives in the form of subsidies or tax incentives. The analysis of data collection, storage and processing tools that regulated waste flows revealed a promising possibility of using GIS technologies, the Internet of things and blockchain technologies for waste management. The paper proposes a new web-GIS technology (web application Garbage collector) for collecting large amounts of statistical data on the state of container sites in the city. Using the app will help you organize a waste management system within a locality by citizens, regardless of the management companies, together with the municipal authorities.

About the authors

Irina A. Stepanova

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Ecology and Nature Management Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg

Aleksey S. Stepanov

Orenburg State University


candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Geology, Geodesy and Cadaster Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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