Ecological-coenotic characteristics of Cantharellus cibarius Fr. and its tolerance to human impact in southern taiga and sub-taiga forests of the Kirov Region

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The paper analyzes plant communities with Cantharellus cibarius Fr. in southern taiga and sub-taiga forests in the Kirov Region. Golden chanterelle occurs mostly in pure pine forests and pine forests mixed with spruce and birch of green-moss, lichen and cowberry types in young to maturing stands; the crown density is low or medium. Species richness of herbaceous-shrub storey in the studied communities varied from 5 to 29. The ecological preferences of C. cibarius, defined with Ellenberg (1974) scales, allow to characterize the species in the following way: temperate climate species, shade-resistant, rarely found in conditions of total shading; mesophyte regarding soil humidity, prefers acidic soils with low nitrogen, but, as an exception, marked on neutral soils rich in nitrogen. The differences in the species ecological preferences in conditions of southern taiga and sub-taiga are insignificant. The hemeroby index varied from 0,05 to 0,33 for the studied communities. The average share of species tolerant to human impact was 13,23%, and the share of anthropophobic species – 86,77%. These data characterise C. cibarius as the species capable of tolerating moderate human impact in southern taiga subzone, but being less tolerant to human impact in sub-taiga areas and coniferous-broadleaved forests.

About the authors

Anastasia A. Sorokina

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy; Professor Zhitkov Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming

Author for correspondence.

master student of Ecology and Zoology Department; laboratory assistant of Ecology and Plant Resources Department

Russian Federation, Kirov

Ecaterina A. Luginina

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy; Professor Zhitkov Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming


assistant of Ecology and Zoology Department; researcher of Ecology and Plant Resources Department

Russian Federation, Kirov


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