The influence of the family-educator on the economic, biological and ethological characteristics of the queen honey bee (Apis mellifera)

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This paper discusses the change in the economic, biological and ethological characteristics of the uterus of the honeybee under the influence of the teacher’s family. This issue is currently of concern to many breeders, as it has not been fully studied. It is the phenotype variability that is the determining component of selection. The method of evaluating the uterus by their key features, which are an integral part of the selection, is described. These key features are peace, loyalty, honey productivity and perseverance on the frame. The author considers the possibility of using non-tribal families (families taken without analysis and selection) as a family-educator, as it most often happens in uterine apiaries. The results show the differences between the groups of mother-sisters from different families-educators. From these results it is clearly seen that different breeds of bee colonies make changes in the useful economic characteristics of the queens, according to their pedigree characteristics. Such changes are unacceptable in this case, and therefore deserve attention. An analysis is made of exactly how the qualitative signs of the uterus change and what is most often worth paying attention to. A more thorough selection of foster families according to their pedigree characteristics is proposed. After all, the future of breeding depends on the quality selection of families-educators, maternal and father families.

About the authors

Aleksandr R. Bykov

Bunin Yelets State University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chemistry and Biology Department

Russian Federation, Yelets, Lipetsk Region


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