Burial mounds of the Samara Region in the focus of satellite images

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The paper focuses on two archaeological problems - the correctness of the accounting system for archaeological monuments and the effectiveness of their detection, especially in the areas of upcoming construction work. The urgency of the problems is revealed by the author on the history of the study of the burial mound «Samarsky (Prosvet) I» as well as on the example of the survey site analysis of heterogeneous data in Earth remote sensing (ERS). It was concluded that the burial mound had been examined by at least 8 expeditions within the time period of 1973-2016. During this time, the accumulated errors in the description had led to the situation when this burial mound, having a single name, was recorded twice in two different administrative districts, having 2 difference reference numbers in the system of accounting for objects of the archaeological heritage of the Samara Region. The author created a set of ERS data for the area of the burial mound, which included archival and modern satellite images. Then all the data and the locations of the mounds identified by the previous researchers were brought to a single projection by means of a purpose designed software. From 31 to 180 areas of specific contrast pixilation are allocated according to various ERS data. The locations of all mounds previously identified in the field match them. Consequently, many of these areas may correspond to fully agriculturally plowed mounds, the safety of which is endangered by the close oil pipelines construction sites. This method was used to check the territory of four more burial mounds surveyed within 2015-2017 time period and located on the construction sites. Mounds that hadn’t been identified by researchers earlier and consequently damaged during the construction work were found. The author comes to the conclusion that the field archaeological survey should be preceded by the analysis of heterogeneous remote sensing data (ERS); the most reliable method is the study of the burial mounds by means of excavation of a «wall-to-wall» area covering the inter-mound space. However, this method, being the most expensive, requires adjustments based on the ERS data and other non-invasive methods.

About the authors

Denis Vladimirovich Valkov

«Universal Research and Studies» Research and Development Centre

Author for correspondence.
Email: valkovd@mail.ru

head of Archeological Studies Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Location of archaeological monuments on the administrative map of Samara region: № 1 - mound "Samarsky (Prosvet) I"; № 2 - mound "Nikolaevka I"; № 3 - mound "Mikhailovsky II"; № 4 - mound "Konezavod II"; № 5 - mound "Sadgorod IV"; № 6 - mound "Bezenchuk I" - "Bezenchuk IV"

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3. Figure 2 - Archival plan of KM "Samarsky" by I.R. Tikhomolova, 1973

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4. Figure 3 - Archival plans of the burial mound: 1 - "Samarsky (Prosvet) I" (1975); 2 - "Parfenovka" (1996)

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5. Figure 4 - Archival plan of the burial mound - "Samarsky (Prosvet) I" (2005). Cross slant marks the barrows identified by I.I. Dryomov according to remote sensing data

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6. Figure 5 - Mounds Nos. 3-5, 7-9 from Samarsky (Prosvet) I burial mound excavated in 2005. The plan of the excavation is projected on the space image. The arrows mark the pixelation zones verified by I.I. Dryomov as burial mounds

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7. Figure 6 - Samarsky (Prosvet) I burial mound. Black polygons outline the excavation of 2005. The dashed lines mark the outer contour of the buried soil under the mound embankments

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8. Figure 7 - Zones of pixelization identified on heterogeneous remote sensing. Territory and the nearest district of the burial mound "Samarsky (Prosvet) I". Volzhsky and Kinelsky districts, Samara Region

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9. Figure 8 - Construction works carried out within the boundaries of the territory of the OAS of the burial mound "Samarsky (Prosvet) I". Date of the space image - 28.01.2018. LPDS "Samara", Volzhsky and Kinelsky districts, Samara Region

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10. Figure 9 - The territory of the burial mound Nikolaevka II, Volzhsky District, Samara Region. The pipeline trench and mound excavations (indicated by arrows) are visible on the modern satellite image. White oblique crosses mark the mounds identified on the archival satellite image

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11. Figure 10 - Territory of the burial mound "Nikolaevka II", Volzhsky District, Samara Region. The date of the image is 1968. The construction work area in the summer of 2015 is marked by a white dotted line. The white solid line marks the trenching bypass. The mounds excavated in 2015 are enclosed

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12. Figure 11 - Mikhailovsky II burial mound, Kinelsky District, Samara Region. Date of image: 1968. Dotted line indicates likely barrows, "m.n/f" - the mound was not found

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13. Figure 12 - Burial mound "Mikhailovsky II", Kinelsky District, Samara Region. Image date 28.08.2015, from the World View 2 satellite. The white outline marks the mounds excavated in 2015. The dashed line marks the location of the undiscovered barrow, partially overlapped by the embankment

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