Burial practices of the population from the Konda River Basin in the Mesolithic and Neolithic Periods

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The paper is dedicated to burial practices of the Stone Age population that inhabited the territory of the North-West Siberia. The source base is represented by 14 complexes. The burial grounds and solitary graves are located on high slopes in the terrace conifer forest areas along the tributaries of the Konda River. The Mesolithic burials date back to the period starting from the 9th-8th millennium BC through the end of the 7th millennium BC, while the Neolithic can be traced starting from the 7th-6th millennium BC to the middle of the 4th millennium BC. The taiga hunters traditionally buried their deceased relatives in the ground. The burials tend to be clustered into linear groupings within the cemetery area. Solitary graves are found on the territory of apparently abandoned settlements near the foundation pits of houses or inside them. Two forms of burial were practiced: inhumation and cremation followed by the burial of burnt remains. Generally, the dead were buried in the extended position, i.e., lying flat with arms and legs straight. The bodies were covered with red ocher, wrapped or swaddled, and put into graves. A special type of Mesolithic burials was «vertical» burials, i.e., the dead were placed into a vertical shaft like pits. The cremated remains were buried in ocher graves. The burned bones were placed in the center of each pit. Solitary burials prevailed. Less common were paired and multi-tire graves. Children were buried in the same way as adults, the age range of the dead varied from 5-7 to 60 years. The deceased were buried together with stone tools, jewelry, fragments of dishes, funeral and memorial food. The burial things were «prepared» following a special ritual - the blades of stone adzes were sharpened, the pottery was broken. There are signs of special respect to the skulls of the dead. The traditional burial practices of the taiga population from the Konda River Basin remained the same throughout the Stone Age.

About the authors

Tatyana Yuryevna Klementyeva

Institute of History and Archaeology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM - Nasledie»

Email: klementjevat@yandex.ru

researcher; specialist-archaeologist

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Andrey Albertovich Pogodin

Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM - Nasledie»

Author for correspondence.
Email: pogodin1966@yandex.ru

deputy general director for research

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Burial monuments of Mesolithic-Early Metal Age in the Konda basin: 1 - Geological III; 2 - Bolshaya Umytia 100; 3-5 - Bolshaya Umytia 2, 8, 9; 6 - Bolshaya Umytia 36; 7 - Mulymya 3; 8 - Neushya 2.1; 9 - Satyga XVIa; 10 - Leva VIII; 11, 12 - Leushya IX, XIV; 13 - Kama II

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3. Figure 2 - Leushi IX settlement. A - burial plan, B - mesolithic settlement plan [12, p. 6-7, fig. 3; 13, p. 28, fig. 2: c]

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4. Figure 3 - The burial site Bolshaya Umytia 100: A - location scheme, B - plan of the excavation: Mesolithic (1) and Neolithic (2-7) graves: 2-5 - with ochre, 6 - without ochre, 3 - with grooves, 4 - with inventory, 5 - with cremation, 6 - position of the buried head in graves with inhumation; 8 - grave numbers and ¹⁴C-dates; 9-11 - destruction of the grave by pits of Early (9) and Late (10) Neolithic structures, modern trenches (11); C - grave 25

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5. Figure 4 - The Bolshaya Umytia burial site 100. Funerary inventory: 1, 2 - burial 19; 3, 4 - burial 23; 5 - burial 27; 6, 7 - burial 4; 8 - burial 17; 9 - burial 12; 10 - burial 22; 11 - burial 34; 12 - burial 18; 13, 15 - burial 15; 14 - burial 21; 16 - burial 10. 1-6, 10 - pottery; 7, 8, 11-16 - stone tools: 7, 11 - points; 8 - flake with retouch; 12 - scraper; 14 - chisel; 13, 15, 16 - sickles; 9 - human skull

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6. Figure 5 - Bolshaya Umytia burial site 100, grave 1. A - plan and profiles of grave sections: 1 - outlines of the grave at the level of 63.06 m, 2 - outlines of the outer pit of structure 16, 3 - red ochre sand, 4 - light gray sand, 5 - bone ashes, 6 - pronicles, 7 - prenucleus and a rod, 8 - tip, 9 - fragment of ceramics, 10 - elevation marks; B - grave 1 at the fixation level 63.10-63.06 m, view from the SW (1), skull bones and objects in situ view from the SW (2); C - resin blades (1-8), stone articles - prenucleus (9), hammerhead (10), tip (11)

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7. Figure 6 - Burial ground Bolshaya Umytiya 100, grave 7. A - skull with pendants in situ at the level of 62.11–61.06 m (view from the south); B - pendants (1-3, 5-7) and blanks (4, 8, 9); B - plan and profile of the grave section: 1, 2 - outlines of the grave at the level of 62.16 m and 62.11 m, 3 - yellow-gray sand with red ocher, 4 - gray sand, 5 - bone ashes, 6 - comb stamp , 7 - elevation marks; G - a diagram of the arrangement of pendants and blanks inside the skull; D - bone pendants (1-7, 9-14) and blanks (8, 15, 16), stone comb stamp (17)

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Copyright (c) 2020 Klementyeva T.Y., Pogodin A.A.

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