The model of schoolchildren successfulness development in the process of sports training in the system of additional education

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In this paper the author makes an assumption about a multidimensionality of the «successfulness» concept based on studies from the point of view of various theories. The author gives his own definition of the concept «schoolchildren’s success in the process of sports training». It is schoolchildren’s sports skill that is successfully developed and continuously improving in the process of sports training, supported by a positive-self-esteem, accompanied by a sufficient level of motivation and positive emotional condition, as well as adequate social environment, all of which involves achieving positive sports results by schoolchildren. In addition, the author has identified the main components of students’ success in the process of sports training (physiological, psychological, moral, technical and tactical, cognitive), analyzed them and provided a description of each component separately. In this paper the author has also proposed a model for schoolchildren’s success development in the process of sports training, focused on martial arts. The essence of this model is that when the organizational and pedagogical conditions proposed in this model are introduced into the process of sports training and their successive implementation, a teenager will achieve high indicators in the above components and will be able to achieve success both in sports and in other areas. This model is designed primarily to improve schoolchildren’s qualities and adapt them to changing conditions of the modern world rather than to make them achieve sporting results. The author has determined that successful, effective and systematic sports development is necessary to solve some of the most important tasks. Due to the definition of the concept «schoolchildren’s success in the process of sports training» as well as the development of the model for schoolchildren’s success development in the process of sports training in the system of additional education the author plans to develop organizational and pedagogical conditions of schoolchildren’s success development in the process of sports training applied exclusively in the system of additional education (wrestling, judo, sambo, boxing, etc.).

About the authors

Aleksandr Dmitrievich Voronin

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Psychology and Pedagogy Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Picture 1 - Phenomenological model of the standard process of sports training

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3. Figure 2 - Components and structure of the author's model of success

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Copyright (c) 2019 Voronin A.D.

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